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Sean R. DeGrilla
Currently Writing My Second Volume on Oswald, "Communistic Tendencies: The Collected Works of Lee Harvey Oswald".
A Compendium of Lee Harvey Oswald's Known Writings in One Volume, Including His Proto-Manifestos, Political Essays, Revolutionary Resume and Hundreds of Letters. Within Oswald's Writings, the Answers of Who Killed President Kennedy and Why Are Revealed.

Oswald's daily maintenance log for the William B. Reily and Company, July 1963, New Orleans. Oswald's writings provide a timeline for his weekly, and sometimes daily, activities. Using his writings as a timeline, Oswald and his actions become more defined.

Oswald's May 1963 hand-drawn, custom pamphlet that would be distributed in New Orleans on at least three occasions. Pamphlets were a powerful tool for Oswald. He was first influenced by a pamphlet in May 1953 to save Julius and Ethel Rosenberg from execution: "I looked at that paper and I still remember it for some reason, I don't know why."

Oswald's application letter to the Communist Party U.S.A., writing that he wanted to share in their "glories and victories."

Oswald's letter written in Russian to his wife, and left behind in his study where he had also composed his manifestos. Oswald is claiming responsibility for the General Edwin Walker shooting and is instructing his wife how she and their two children may obtain support in the event he is killed or taken prisoner. Oswald's political writings and actions have culminated in this assassination attempt and will foreshadow the murder of President Kennedy.

Oswald's address book that he began in 1959 while in the Soviet Union.
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